Thursday, April 16, 2020

The French erotic prose Review Essay Example

The French erotic prose Review Paper Essay on The French erotic prose In this collection are several works. But I want to give it a review for one of E. Zolas novels. -. Nana Then, in the 90s image of a prostitute elevated to the rank of Cinderella. Dance maidens its rows ringed Garden Ring and more. One day we went to the airport as a group led by the teachers, and passing by rows of slender I rashly suggested: We should give all the girls Nana E. Zola. Youll see someone and think again. Alas! Of course, the whole bus shook with laughter, presenting a picture of the distribution of books. When there are no ideals and principles, when society is ruled by the pursuit of money, is unlikely to save you book one of them Its all in the education, the influence of heredity and environment said my teacher. Starting reread (I love this thing!) All Zola I remembered the wise words of the teacher, because Nana E. Zola described in all its glory disgusting life prostitute and her pack of fans. Nana an image devoid of poetic flair. Like a nice girl, she likes Rodney pyanitsa father, mother, a washerwoman, but it uboginky inner world, a habalskie manners, rudene ss and kotegorichnost, mindless greed, ridiculous quirks Cynicism! Cruelty! So all documented by! While reading, you feel a sense of disgust! No wonder he Zola under the guise of worker entered the house of one of fashion prostitutes, and then was invited to dinner, and its all described in romane.No most important thing that amazes in this novel the image of the graph Myuffo. Every movement of his writings as though shot on film in slow motion. Overwhelmed by passion, he loses control over himself. Hes not just coming off of her crazy with desire to possess her body, he is willing to endure the humiliation of human, if only to be near her. It destroys the family. It allows his wife to take a lover nasty type. With some irony, Zola describes how this zealous Catholic, used to stiffen in ecstasy before the altar, had the same feeling before bed prostitutes We will write a custom essay sample on The French erotic prose Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The French erotic prose Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The French erotic prose Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer And in the end -. The death of a prostitute! Strong! The death of Nana worthy of Michelangelo! writes Flaubert .

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