Saturday, December 28, 2019

Essay about Biomass as an Alternative Energy - 1701 Words

Biomass Abstract: The current use of energy in the United States, especially California, is foreshadowing catastrophe in our environment. Due to high demand of fossil fuels, the air is filled with more pollution every day. In addition to, it can increase the chances of having global warming. Since fossil fuels are generated from raw materials which are easy and cheap users are becoming extremely dependent on them. The main problem with fossil energy is that the supply of fossil fuels is not continuous. However, alternative energy is continual and harmless to the environment. Biomass does not pollute the atmosphere as much as natural gas. One of the most convenient alternative energies that are currently used for minor purposes is†¦show more content†¦Biomass 3 Biomass energy or can be preferred as bioenergy has been used â€Å"since people began burning wood to cook food and keep warm† (NREL, Biomass Energy Basics 2007). Though wood is the â€Å"largest biomass energy resource today, other sources of biomass can also be used† (NREL, Biomass Energy Basics 2007). These include crops, garbage, landfill gas, and alcohol fuels. For centuries people have been using wood as a source of energy for mainly cooking and heating. â€Å"Wood was the main source of energy in the U.S. and the rest of the world until the mid-1800s.† (eia, BIOMASS -- Renewable Energy from Plants and Animals 2007). Thus, biomass continues to be an important source of energy that would somehow prevent us from future disaster. â€Å"In the United States wood and waste (bark, sawdust, wood chips, and wood scrap) provide only about 2 percent of the energy we use today. Many manufacturing plants in the wood and paper products industry use wood waste to produce their own steam and electricity.† (eia, BIOMASS -- Renewable Energy from Plants and Animals 2007). Without having to buy much electricity, these companies were able to save money because they did not have to arrange their wast e products. The other source of biomass which is garbage, also called municipal solid waste, comes from plant or animal products. â€Å"MSW can be a source of energy byShow MoreRelatedBiomass Energy In Africa Essay1542 Words   |  7 PagesThe Boy Who Harnessed the Wind written by William Kamkwamba and Bryan Mealer talks about the deforestation in Africa, and the different type of experiments William conducted in search of possible alternative energy. Deforestation is a growing problem in Africa due to the household communities’ dependency to use wood for fuel to prepare their daily meals, or use wood to create charcoal and sell in order to buy food for their families and survive. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Political Cartoons By John Mitchell Jr. - 1546 Words

â€Å"Is This a Sample of States’ Rights?† political cartoon The â€Å"Is This a Sample of States’ Rights?† is an aggressive political cartoon published by John Mitchell Jr. of the Richmond Planet on April 24th, 1937. The cartoon depicts an African American Woman being lynched by a rope, for no given reason and likely no logical reason. In the background a ‘Federal Anti-Lynching Bill’ is idly watching the woman hang and the local authorities are off to the side, looking away and not paying attention . Under John Mitchell Jr.’s leadership the Richmond Planet gained a reputation and prestige in the south. Lynchings were detested and lynchers were brought to moral standards. Mitchell would report any lynching in the country. Tallies and lists of the dead were published alongside their accused crimes. Graphic images were always published and never censored. Mitchell believed that the public needed to vividly experience the horrors of slave ry if there was to be social change. The Richmond Planet published and reported on every lynching that occurred in the south, specifically Richmond. The Richmond Planet was founded by thirteen former slaves in a building on the corner of Third and Broad street. It was the first African American newspaper to be started in the United States. The Richmond Planet advocated for the end of Jim Crow and publicly exposed injustice. The Richmond Planet took its first aggressive stance against the termination of African American School Principals. TheShow MoreRelatedMultiple Intelligences Seminar and Workshop14464 Words   |  58 Pageswell as a number of critics. Howard Gardner and others have revised and expanded the theory Howard Gardner, formulator of the theory, continues to be its chief spokesperson. He has been acclaimed as the most influential educational theorist since John Dewey. Gardner has written and published 18 books and hundreds of articles. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Government Spending on the Inflation Rate

Question: Discuss about theGovernment Spending on the Inflation Rate. Answer: Introduction Inflation is that condition where the prices of all goods and services rise. This means that the amount of money spent earlier in purchasing some goods or services cannot be enough to buy the initial quantity level of that good or service. The money loses its value mostly as a result of increased inflation rate. Inflation is one of the key indicators of economic growth. Some of the other key indicators include; unemployment, current account, trade. The level of the growth in an economy determines the policy action needed. Most policies are applicable when the economic growth is low. The policies are divided into two parts; they can either be fiscal or monetary. The fiscal policies involve the actions taken directly by the government. These are; a cut in taxes or an increase in government spending. The major role of these policies is to stimulate the economy's aggregate demand (AD) indirectly. There have been some challenges in the attempt to explain how the fiscal policies influence the inflation rate. Before the 1980s, the thought of business by the classical economics assumed that inflation was spurred by an increased government spending. This has however been disputed by the modern Keynesians (Green, 2013).Green argued that it could do cause inflation to rise, but this could be caused only by a real shortage in resources. It is important in this paper to note out that there are two types of inflation; one is the cost-push inflation arising from the supply side owing to increased production costs. The other one is the demand-pull inflation owing to the increased AD. The Operation of an Increased Government Spending The government may use the money it receives from tax, or it can borrow from other economies that are performing well. When it raises it spending, it causes an increased disposable income. The extra income is used in demanding extra units of the initial products or in demanding other goods or services. This raises the spending level in the economy. I.e. the AD in the economy is raised. When there is a demand shortage in the economy, this method is important, but its effectiveness is dependent on the economic state. During periods of very low economic growth, it becomes less effective because tax revenues are reduced. In order to get enough funding for the same, the government borrows from other economies. Fig: Demand-pull Inflation The period of production in the economy also determines whether the increase in spending will cause inflation. In the short-run, an increase in AD does not result in a price change since supply is elastic (almost horizontal). However, the supply curve is inelastic (almost vertical) in the long run; here, an increase in AD from AD1 to AD2 is inflationary (, 2016). I.e. cause price to go up from P1 to P2. Dupor (2016) and Beenhakker (2001) noted that during low economic growth, the government is prompted to raise its spending. The increased spending sometimes might cause the production costs to go up. Consequently, the producers are forced to raise the price of their goods or services. This cause the inflation rate to rise. The Federal Reserve is in such a situation forced to counteract with a restrictive monetary policy before the increase in inflation forces the interest rate to go down (Dupor, 2015). Lower interest rates lower the cost of borrowing. The households and businesses that avoided borrowing at the high-interest rate are now willing to borrow more; the unemployed get jobs. Their consumption of goods, therefore, rises (Pettinger, 2011). As per the law of demand, when it is high, the price level usually goes up. The figure below shows that in the real sense some level of government spending is important for the economy. It is this spending that results in improved infrastructure and quality of education. Despite the fact that government spending is crucial to the growth of the economy, it becomes a burden beyond certain levels. This now starts to make the growth rate fall with every increase in its spending. The curve above cuts the y-axis at 1; this proofs that at zero government spending there is no economic growth. The money used in financing the governments spending is taken either from taxes or from borrowing (Saville, 2008). The consequences for each source of funding is as follows. Additional taxation to raise tax revenue discourages production of goods or services; the lower the supply, the higher the price level. Borrowing may reallocate money to places where they are less profitable leaving the private investors with little money making the investment level to fall. How Inflation Results As noted earlier by Green, the spending by the government is directed towards those resources that seem to be scarce. If the short-term supply is non-elastic, an increased demand causes the price of the particular resource to go up. This argument was posed by Tarik Tristan Chardon (2013) in response to Greens argument. Tarik also noted that the means of funding the government spending also have a great influence on inflation. The governments expenses may be paid for by printing money as a form of monetary power. If this happened, the confidence of the economic agents would fall as they will anticipate a currency depreciation; the prices will escalate. John Craft (2011) argued that inflation may be caused by an accelerated growth of money supply by the central bank owing to an increased government spending. He noted that when the rate of money growth is higher than that of economic growth, inflation arises. Mulligan (2009) argued that there exist low correlation between the inflation rate and the government spending. He argued that it may not necessarily cause inflation. But he noted that high debts level for the economy may harm it and may be inflationary. Conclusion The spending by the government is important to every economy. It is agreeable that its increase may cause inflation if the government is not aware the point beyond which it should halt its spending. The state of the economy also determines whether the spending would stimulate the economic growth or not. The imposition of fiscal policies may sometimes call for an action by the monetary policies so as to make it effective. A governments spending may be too high, but its economic growth still lies behind. Policy Recommendations and Alternatives The government should consider the different states of the economy and understand which policy is better for every situation. It should also invest in research to find out the maximum level in which its spending should not exceed. It should also understand that high spending is not necessarily good for the economy. The means of funding the governments spending should be chosen wisely with considerations on the consequences being done. Cutting tax is the best alternative in stimulating economic growth. References Beenhakker, H. (2001). The global economy and international financing. Westport, CT: Quorum Books. Dupor, W. (2016). How Does Government Spending Affect Inflation? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Sep. 2016]. Dupor, B. (2015). The expected inflation channel of government spending in the postwar U.S. [online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Sep. 2016]. (2016). Causes of inflation | Economics Help. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Sep. 2016]. Green, R. (2013). Does government spending spur inflation? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. Mitchell, D. (2005). The Impact of Government Spending on Economic Growth. [Online] The Heritage Foundation. Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. Mulligan, C. (2009). Inflation and Government Spending. [Online] Available at: https://economix. [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016]. Pettinger, T. (2011). Impact of Increasing Government Spending | Economics Help. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Sep. 2016]. Saville, S. (2008). Government Spending and Inflation | Steve Saville | [FundOnline] Available at: [Accessed 23 Sep. 2016].

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Leadership for Democratic and Laissez-Faire Style - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theLeadership for Democratic and Laissez-Faire Style. Answer: Mark Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg is a well-renowned computer programmer and entrepreneur. Presently he is the founder, CEO of the Facebook. The Facebook is the popular social media site that is used globally. It connects people from every corner of the world. He was born on May 14, 1984, in Dobbs ferry, New York. Leadership style deployed by the Mark Zuckerberg Autocratic, democratic and laissez-faire style is taken into consideration by Mark Zuckerberg. It is a type of leadership where the leader gives full support to the subordinates and also analyze the change where required. It creates a vision that gives guidance by inspiration and also by executing the change with the employees of the organization. Zuckerberg helped to enhance the operations of Facebook to a promising future. He has succeeded as a leader and also motivated the growth in the organization. He is described as an encouraging and a person with full aggression. He is a person who always demands the innovation and growth and also loves to debate and accept the challenges. The autocratic leadership is adopted by him, in which the leader has a full control on the centralization of authority. The authority is related to the leader himself, all the decisions are taken into consideration by him in the company (Goldman, 2016). Mark Zuckerberg assigns and designs the workload of the employees and also the control is maintained on the employees of the organization, so that the activities can be conducted in a smooth manner. The next leadership style that is considered by him is a democratic style in which he delegates high authority to his subordinates. The final decision of the organization is made by him in that he discusses all the aspects with the subordinates. The two-way communication channel is also considered by him. At the time of making any decision mark, Zuckerberg considers both the employees and the work. He also considered the laissez-faire style in which the staff is also involved to make the correct decisions that are beneficial for the organization. So, Mark Zuckerberg adopted all the three leadership styles. He gives the command to his employees to the task that is assigned and also asks for the correct feedback from everyone who is there in the organization. He trusts his employees and also gives equal treatment to all of them. He considers all the aspects of the employees as well as enhanced the operations of the organization so that the goals and objectives can be attained (Clinebell, 2014). Effectiveness of the leadership behavior Displayed The leadership behavior plays a great role to make the team productive. It is an ability that is possessed by a leader that also enhances the productivity level of the employees working in the organization. The leadership qualities that are related to the behavior of the mark Zuckerberg are: Strong Communicator: He is one of the strong communicator, who shares the views and ideas of the employees in an effective manner. The behavior of an individual depends upon the way he reacts. He reacts in such a manner that the employees of the organization get motivated by the words spoken by him in the meetings or personally. The quality of the best leader is to have a communication skill and that quality is possessed by Mark Zuckerberg. Emotional Intelligence and work-life balance: Mark Zuckerberg offers a work-life balance atmosphere to its employees so that they can work in an effective manner and can attain the goals. He knows how to handle the problems of the employees. He plays a great role of the leader. As a leader, he gives support to the employees and also in some situations reacts in a strict manner (Tucker, Theocharis, Roberts Barber, 2017). He has a clear vision that helped to create an open and connected world and also the commitment done by him is performed. He carries a fearless behavior; he has the courage to make the right steps and also to inspire the employees with the ability. Mark Zuckerberg also gives respect to his employees by analyzing the quality of their work and also sometimes he wears jeans and hoodies to set an example for the employees, that the work matters, not the dressing style. The motivation and empowerment are also offered to the employees working in Facebook (Robinson, Harrington, Cartwright Walsh, 2017). The employees react in creative ways that enhance the image of the company. The working environment and free lunch are also offered by him that enhances the motivation level of the employees to work with full dedication so that the profitability can be increased. He also helps the employees to remove the barriers that are related to the work and also focuses on the employee's relationship. He has a glass wall through which the activities that are conducted can be easily analyzed by him. This effective behavior of leadership has given a positive impact on the workers or the employees who are working in the organization (Northouse, 2015). Impact of leadership behavior on the lifecycle The leadership behavior has given a positive impact on the lifecycle of the Mark Zuckerberg. It has given the outcome that has also enhanced the profitability. The leadership behavior that is taken into consideration by Mark Zuckerberg has given success and also by this the employees who are working in the Facebook enhanced their motivation level to work in an effective manner. It is analyzed that the innovative companies give freedom to their employees so that the interest can be developed and also the risk can be taken by the workers who are conducting the day to day operations of the business. By having an effective leadership behavior Mark Zuckerberg attained success and goodwill in the market. Also by this positive attitude and behavior, the employees love to work with the boss who corporate and manage the activities properly (Men, 2014). The Facebook has attained success just because of the good leadership pattern adopted by him. If the leadership style implemented by him is not effective then it can be difficult for the Facebook to attain popularity in the market. The activities and operations are managed in a proper manner by him and also the trust and respect is enhanced in the eyes of the employees. Just because of the good leadership behavior he has attained the good image in the eyes of the workers and also in the public (Livermore, 2013). He also knows how to manage the conflicts and problems that arise in the organization. If the leader knows how to manage the conflicts in an effective manner, then it can be analyzed that the success can easily be achieved (Eisner, 2016). Comparison of Concepts The leadership styles that are taken into consideration by the Mark Zuckerberg have given success in the market and also the positive outcome is attained. The concept on which the focus should be given is that it is essential that the leaders should adopt effective leadership styles so that, the motivation can be enhanced of the employees who are working in the organization (Zuckerberg, Sittig Marlette, 2017). If the employees of the organization are happy, then it can be very easy for an organization to attain the goals and objectives in the market. The role of an effective leader is played by Mark Zuckerberg in an effective manner. It has given success in the field of social networking and also motivated the employees by having the positive attitude towards the work. The leader is considered as an asset of the organization. If the leaders are efficient and know how to handle the activities, then it is seen that employees also work with full dedication towards the work (Koseoglu, L iu Shalley, 2017). References Clinebell, S. (2014). Snapshots of great leadership.Academy of Management Learning Education,13(1), 139-141. Eisner, S. (2016). The" In-Factor": Signature Traits Of Innovation's Leaders.Journal of Applied Business Research,32(1), 185. Goldman, P. (2016). How a New Generation of Business Leaders Views Philanthropy.Harvard Business Review,29. Koseoglu, G., Liu, Y., Shalley, C. E. (2017). Working with creative leaders: Exploring the relationship between supervisors' and subordinates' creativity.The Leadership Quarterly. Livermore, D. (2013). How Facebook Develops Its Global Leaders.People and Strategy,36(3), 24. Men, L. R. (2014). Strategic internal communication: Transformational leadership, communication channels, and employee satisfaction. Management Communication Quarterly,28(2), 264-284. Northouse, P. G. (2015).Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications. Robinson, J., Harrington, M., Cartwright, C., Walsh, K. (2017). Connective Leadership: From Zero-Sum to Inclusion. InBreaking the Zero-Sum Game: Transforming Societies through Inclusive Leadership(pp. 209-225). Emerald Publishing Limited. Tucker, J. A., Theocharis, Y., Roberts, M. E., Barber, P. (2017). From Liberation to Turmoil: Social Media And Democracy.Journal of Democracy,28(4), 46-59. Zuckerberg, M., Sittig, A., Marlette, S. (2017).U.S. Patent No. 9,646,027. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Aphra Behn essays

Aphra Behn essays [...] a Devil on't the Woman damns the Poet. Aphra Behn, Preface to The Lucky Chance Aphra Behn (1640-1689) was not the first woman writer; neither was she the only woman writer of her day. But Aphra Behn holds the singular distinction of being the first professional woman writer in the English language. That's right, ladies Aphra Behn was the first woman writer who did it for money. It was a natural choice for this young woman, a recent spy for the crown and a widow at the age of 26, to turn to selling herself (in a manner of speaking) in order to survive.Many other women of the period did so; but instead of novels and plays, they sold something much more fundamental and far more common. Single women, whether spinsters or widows, often allowed themselves to be kept by rich men of the commons and nobility alike. Mrs. Behn chose not to sell herself but her wits and words, and was branded a whore for her efforts. Not much is known of her origins. Most biographers seem to agree she was born Aphra Johnson in or around 1640, and that she acquired her education and her connections at court through a noble childhood friend for whom her mother acted as a wet-nurse. She very likely traveled with her family to Surinam in her early 20s; at the age of 26, after having been briefly married to a Mr. Behn (of which nothing is known), she went to Antwerp as a spy for the crown. The mission was singularly unsuccessful, and she returned to England a debtor (very likely serving a short term in prison). When she got out, she began to write, at first "for bread," but soon she made it clear that she was writing not only for money but for fame and also to fulfill what she called "my masculine part, the poet in me" clearly asserting her rights as an artist despite her gender. She ...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Cali Cartel essays

The Cali Cartel essays For the last half-century Latin America has have been deeply involved with the foreign trade and production of drugs, primarily cocaine. The dominant economic player in this market is the highland country of Colombia, which has produced some of the most powerful and fearsome drug cartels to date. Through struggles between rival cartels, one cartel has evolved into the predominant force and emerged in the 90s as the most powerful drug cartel in the world. The Cali Cartels aspects of distribution, organization, involvement in government corruption, and overall control of the market has made it infamous throughout the world. Though in recent years its ability to maintain control is waning with increasing US intervention and opposition from other governments. In the 1980s the Colombian drug trade was at an all time high. At the forefront of the market was the Medellin Cartel lead by Pablo Escobar. Under the leadership of Escobar the cartel turned into the fiercest and most brutal force the Colombians faced. In efforts to control this epidemic the Colombian government cooperated with the smaller Cali Cartel in its battle against the Medellin Cartel. Cali provided intelligence to the government forces seeking to eliminate Escobar. As a result of helping the Colombian government defeat the Medillin Cartel and gun down Escobar, Cali replaced them as South Americas principal supplier of cocaine. Cali begins the cocaine trade by purchasing cocoa leaves from Bolivian, Peruvian and Colombian farmers. After it is processed into powdered cocaine in secret jungle labs the cocaine is moved from the surrounding Amazon jungle to the points of initial distribution in Colombia. The center of the Cali drug trade is in the third largest city of Colombia, Cali. The strength of Calis distribution depends on two aspects of its trade, the initial exportation of the cocaine to the international markets and the int...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act Assignment

Reauthorization of the Endangered Species Act - Assignment Example The loss of habitats for most wildlife is the main cause of listing of species. On listing of a certain species, legal and powerful means are availed to protect its habitats. In the same way, when resources are associated with the listed species, for example water in dry regions or free-flowing rivers, ESA is seen as a hindrance to greater human utilisation. ESA may also be controversial since the diminishing species usually are harbingers of broader ecosystem conflicts. This makes ESA a major driver of large-scale ecosystem restoration issues (Miller & Spoolman 315).Previous congresses have held oversight hearings on the implementation of certain federal laws and programs addressing endangered and threatened species (Snape and Weiner 61). Some of the hearings involved topics such as delisting and listing decisions under ESA to validate endowment levels for international programs of conservation. The 113th congress that will be held will include discussion of issues like how to allocate programs and activities that seek to assist the adaptation of certain species to changes in climate. Another issue that will be discussed concerning ESA will be concerned with the role of Science in making decisions on essential habitat designation, suitable fortification of listed species, incentives for property owners among other decisions (Miller & Spoolman 315). ESA is one of the most contentious environmental regulations due to its substantive requirements that influence the use of both non-federal and federal resources and lands. Under the law, species are to be listed as in danger of extinction based solely on the most significant scientific information without regarding economic factors (The University of Michigan 6). Congress is faces the matter of how to weigh the safeguarding of endangered species with economic interests (Heather & Snape 62). Strong opposition has been the major cause of failure to reauthorize ESA. The last reauthorization